Pierce McGill Fitness

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Get In Shape like you always wanted and change your life

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Strength and Conditioning Plan

Bespoke Strength and Conditioning Plans for sports teams and organisations alike, to help shape and guide their current and future athletes to fulfil their athletic potential.

Programmes include all aspects of athletic performance; strength, power, gym and field/court-based speed, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, fundamental movements, Olympic weightlifting, energy system development etc.

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Nutrition Plan

Planning and implementing a personalised meal plans suitable to the individual. Setting short and long-term goals and methods in which to achieve them.

Analysing current diet and lifestyle, seeing what is good and needs to be improved. Providing accurate and personal micronutrient and macronutrient breakdowns as well as constant support to help any individual reach their goal. 

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Athletic Performance Plan

Pierce McGill Fitness can bring your sporting ability to the next level, with bespoke programmes specifically for each athlete leaving no stone unturned whilst assisting them in reaching the next level of performance.

Provide body composition assessment, and map out nutrition structures to aid the athlete in many facets. Programmes include all aspects of athletic performance; strength, power, gym and field/court-based speed, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, fundamental movements, Olympic weightlifting, energy system development etc.

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Nutrition Plan

Strength And Conditioning Plan 

Athletic Performance Plan 


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